Sunday, October 14, 2007

Shut Up And Drive...

So because of the recent escapades with the bus, I decided to purchase a car. I have had my own car since I was 16... and I have been getting around on my own since then. The only exception was a year that I lived in LA and had to take the bus/train everywhere. Taking the bus train was easy and I could go any and everywhere.

Let me give you some reasons for buying the car:

1. Missing the 150B bus would leave me stranded, making me late for work. It also means giving myself an extra hour of sleep a day and gives me 2 additional hours at home after work!

2. Taking the bus home would require me getting a ride to the bus stop after work. This means not leaving on time and being at the whim of other people.... getting home later.

3. Doing large scale grocery shopping would be impossible because I would have to lug a bunch of crap on the bus. It also means doing grocery shopping with my client!

4. Boundaries, boundaries, boundaries... I need boundaries! When work is over I want to go the fuck home... not wait for people to drop me off!

5. I want to see Normandy! I can't visit all the chateau, the churches, and the other amazing sites on the bus... and I don't want to be with other people all the time either!

So you see, buying the Renault was the best move I have made since I arrived. I get to work on time... I leave on time, and if I want to go to McDonalds for dinner or grab some Chinese I can. I can just get in my car and drive.

Let's have a look at some more photos...

This was taken outside my flat. Notice the Club on the car. I thought it best to at least try to protect my investment...

Buying a car was very simple... after I told the car salesman I wanted to buy a car... He let me take it for a test drive and then we discussed the price. Now mind you, He wanted way more for the car than I was willing to spend. I was able to get him to reduce the price to what I thought was reasonable for a car its year and condition.

In France, everyone drives a manual, the only folks who drive automatic are the handicapped and the very old. While I was prepared to buy a 5-speed, I figured I might as well make my life as easy as possible. This car is automatic, I drive automatatic, so I'll buy an automatic! Tres simple! Buying a car is all-inclusive too. The tags and the registration all come with the car. The registration is good for 1 month while you get your carte grise ( registration listing you as the owner) at the prefecture.

Buying the car was easier than getting internet... which is crazy but true!