Monday, October 15, 2007

The French Class

As a part of my requirements for getting a long stay visa, I had to agree to take some French classes. So since I am close to Rouen, I decided to get another Diploma., the DELF--- Diplome Etude de Langue Francais.

The DELF is recognized worldwide. I am taking a class for 1 year and at the end I can take an exam to document my French proficiency. The class is cheap by American university standards, and is cheaper than my on line class at St. Cloud State. It's like $500 for the school year!

I am taking the course at the University of Rouen. Rouen is beautiful! It ain't Paris but its got some really cool places to see. I haven't seen much of it but what I have seen is really wonderful. I can't wait to see more and post the pics. In the meantime, this will have to do.... This is the Rouen Cathedral... nice, huh?
My first class was last Friday, I am the only American in the class. What's funny is that I'm not the only person that speaks English! You can't know how happy I was to hear English. Where I live I know 2 people that speak English... that's it! So I was super giddy when I heard people talking in a language I could easily understand. Usually I have to have things repeated 2-3 times if someone is speaking in rapid fire French.... I still haven't figured out how to check my answering machine messages 'cause the french girl is talking too fast!
Bonjour, j' mapelle Cherice. Je suis americaine. J'aime Grey's Anatomy et Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Je parle un peu le francais! Non, je ne mange pas le cheval!
Hi, my name is Cherice. I am American. I like Grey's Anatomy and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I speak a little french. No, I do not eat horse!