Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The Conspiracy

I tried to prepare for my trip as much as possible. I got a pedicure, eyebrow, and bikini wax the day I left. I knew that once I arrived I would need to find a place to get these things taken care of. The pedicure held up great, ditto for the bikini wax. The brow wax held up great too but now it's obvious that I need to get the eyebrows done.

I have found a place in Elbeuf that can take care of all my waxing needs… or so I thought. The place is called Espace Beaute Lea Nails. I went last Thursday at around 5pm to see if I could get an on the spot appt. Wouldn’t you know that was not meant to be. Instead I made an appointment for Monday which I had to call and reschedule for today because my days off changed. It went something like this…

"J’ai un rendez-vous a onze heure for une cire de sourcils. Je besoin changer mon rendez-vous." I have an appt for an eyebrow wax at 11 am. I need to change my appointment.

"Oui, madame, Mercredi a seize heure?" Yes, madame, How about 4pm on Wednesday?

"D’accord, Mecredi a seize heure!" Ok, Wednesday at 4pm.

"Merci, au revoir!" Thank you, see you soon.

Awesome, so I got the rescheduled the brow wax for today at 4pm, which is my day off… great works for me. I arrived about 10 minutes before the appointment. Awesome… it’s not crowded… I’ll get in and out…. I’ll get decent looking eyebrows! Yay!


I entered and gave the standard greeting of “Bonjour” and waited for the tech to come and get my name. We didn’t even get that far before the bubble burst….

“Madame, nous avons un problem.” Madame, we have a problem.

“Quel est la problem?” What is the problem? Fucking-A!

“ La techniciene va a hospital.” The technician went to the hospital. This chick had better be dying too….

“ Damn, damn, damn!” I didn’t say this out loud but I was screaming it at the top of my lungs inside my head.

“Je voudrais un autre rendez-vous, sil vous plait.” I would like another appointment, please. Am I gonna have to do my own eyebrows?

“A demain a dix-sept heure?" Tomorrow at 5pm? Here we go again…

“Oui”….. and she better have her ass here tomorrow when I arrive!

"A bientot, au revoir!"

I’m beginning to think this is a damn conspiracy… a conspiracy designed to see how long the American girl can go looking like a caveman, needing an eyebrow wax! If this chick isn’t there tomorrow evening… I’m gonna have to breakdown and do the unthinkable….

go out and buy a pair of tweezers. Shite.